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In Wuxi City Gear Cold Extrusion Co., Ltd. Bo Chen, attaches great importance to the quality of each employee. Quality control department has retained all product test reports and samples.

Production Inspection
At each stage of production from the mid-term tests should be monitored. At each stage in the production of the first products to be tested. Only when the survey was completed by the quality control manager, confirmed that after the adoption of mass production can begin. Each machine operator in the production process will be ongoing testing. As measured by measuring the size of observation of the product's appearance and surface properties. Inspectors will regularly check each machine made from product samples, regular sampling.

Product testing
In the final members of a customs inspection of all the documents to sign, seal confirmed, Bo Chen's appropriate product can only out of libraries. Our quality control objective is to achieve zero defects in 100% of manufactured goods.

©2009 Wuxi Bo Chen Gear Cold Extrusion Co., Ltd.  Copyright  ICP09039866  Support:Lijun
Add:Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province town of loess Tong Lam Dong Industrial Park  Tel:0510-83919787  Fax:0510-83918929